Friday, 7 February 2014

Old habits die hard...

… or how I realised that no matter how hard I try, I am still a procrastinator.

… or how I realised that procrastination can lead to amazing things.

… or how I realised it’s so easy to postpone writing a post by writing mindless sentences to complement the title.

I’ve known the tasks involved in creating this blog for more than 3 months now, though I haven’t started writing the actual posts until I actually heard that most of my class mates had started. And even then, I spent the first weeks perfecting the layout of the blog (which does not account for any points in the mark, so it’s kinda useless on that side of the deal). But what I’m saying now isn’t a one-time occasion. Oh, noooo! It’s one of those things that you try to quit but you never get around to actually doing , albeit promising yourself time and time again that you will start/stop doing it tomorrow and making mental notes of “this time’s different”.

But let me introduce myself a bit, just before I dive in into my “Procrastinators Anonymous” confession.

I am Alexandra, 20 year-old Journalism and PR student in my first year at the University of Lincoln. I’m born and bred Romanian, though this year I followed my dream of moving to the UK. Random trivia about me would include my avid desire to travel, my passion for everything style and the fact that I am almost tri-lingual.

Now moving on, I have to tell you that all this can-do, bubbly personality of mine has got me into heap loads of trouble. I’m that person that each New Year’s Eve makes a new “New Year , New Me” list and never abides by it, though always goes on about how “this time it’s actually different!!” (Secret of the trade? It never is). I always promise, at the beginning of each term, that I’ll do all of the studying at the proper time, but I always end up cramming it up for the last week. Which, to be honest, is a major improvement from high school.

However, I am not encouraging procrastion in any possible way! I’m just saying that, among those days when you actually screw it up big time, there are some times when it’s actually so much better that you’ve waited so long to do something.

It might be the little things…

Like when I needed to buy tickets for a trip with some friends and I postponed it so long that it got ridiculously expensive. However, if I would have booked them then, I would have totally secured the wrong dates.

Or the bigger things…

Such as huge exam session I had to pass when I finished high school, that I passed with a whooping 9.65 out of 10, without even bothering to read anything before 2 days before the exams.

In the end, it’s mostly up to you, whether you are a procrastinator and you hate it or you love it. For me, it’s one of those things that I can never quit, but in which I find such forbidden pleasures.
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